
Now I Know Why

I am different.  I have always known this.  By different, I mean that my thoughts, my perspectives, my reasonings, are far apart from most. I would like to say that it doesn’t bother me to be different.  But we all know that it takes much work to be the outlier, to not fit the mold of what people expect.  I finally discovered the essence of my anomalies.  Through DNA testing, it was revealed I am neanderthal.  Not entirely of course, but the number of neanderthal genes within me is higher than 99% of the world population.  Yes, I am a one-percenter. With this newfound fact, I was curious to learn more about neanderthals.  Turns out neanderthals were not the same as homo sapiens.  Not only dissimilar physic, but the neanderthals cranium was larger and accommodated a bigger brain.  However, their mental capacity not as sophisticated as their homo sapien cousins, allegedly.  The neanderthals kept things simple.  They focused on what was needed to survive.  Communications skills were modest but effective. Their culture too was uncomplicated.  They fixated on food, shelter, sex, and drinking beer around the fire pit.  All that was needed to be content was a full stomach, a little home brew, a small cave, and their mate beside them when they laid down at night.  In contrast, their homo sapien cousins were busy trying to build cities, develop a grammar dictionary, and create a political system that would suppress the commoners.  The homo sapiens then quickly moved on to inventing hierarchy, organized worship, compound interest and mortgages.  They also brainstormed a devious plot to eliminate their happy, free loving neanderthal cousins.  They could not tolerate those who did not think like them, behave like them, and of course look like them.  The homo sapien crusades lasted for a few centuries before ending with the complete eradication of the neanderthals.  For many years archeologists struggled to determine why remnants of neanderthal DNA still can be found living on our planet today. Then it was discovered that a thousand generations ago, a few teenage homo sapien girls were smart enough to escape the bondage their homo sapien culture was forcing upon them. They ran off to live the nomadic life with the first neanderthal tribe that wandered by their village.  Their dream of living a simple life with all the pleasures this planet has to offer was fulfilled.  And they had babies.  Many babies.  Fast forward to today, and presto, here I am with a boatload of neanderthal genes.  I am certain my brain is where all my Neanderthalism lives.  I know this because I must keep things pure and simple. My mind cannot process the complicated and illogical.  And I certainly don’t understand injustice, inequality, dishonesty, selfishness, greed, intolerance, indifference, and political gamesmanship.  Neanderthals did not have to understand these characteristics because they did not exist in their culture.  It was the homo sapien that invented and perpetuated these flaws. For this reason, one could argue that the neanderthals bigger brain was indeed superior after all.  And just imagine, how wonderful this world would be if the neanderthals had inherited Earth; and not the homo sapien.